

Evolution of Geograhical Systems and Risk Processes in the Global Context


Anglicky psaný sborník prací předních geografů se zabývá geografickými systémy. Důraz je kladen na faktor rizika těchto procesů a jevů, resp. možnostmi snižování jejich negativních důsledků.

Katalogové číslo: GEO05 Kategorie: Štítky: , ,

Petr Dostál (editor)

Editorem publikace je prof. Petr Dostál z katedry sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy. Autorský kolektiv zahrnuje jak české, tak zahraniční odborníky: Marc Antrop, Petr Dostál, Dušan Drbohlav, Zbyněk Engel, Martin Hampl, Bohumír Janský, Lenka Lachmanová, Jakub Langhammer, Jitka Rychtaříková, Jana Spilková, Miroslav Šobr, Sergei Yerokhin.


(Anglicky psaný sborník, vydaný v koedici s Univerzitou Karlovou v Praze.)

This book presents essays considering the current evolution of geographical systems and diverse risk processes in the global context. The aim of the book is to highlight the ways in which various processes in the intertwined environmental and societal systems can be understood as risk processes, often entangled, and in terms of uncertainties and hazards. Drawing on a broad understanding of interdisciplinary approaches the book gives a particular emphasis to the evolution of geographical systems and risk processes at various geographical scales.

The present book is divided into three parts and nine chapters. The introductory part explores changing conceptualisations of uncertainties and risks processes and opens a number of crucial issues concerning the current global system and so-called ‘world risk society’. The authors in the second part of the book consider the evolution of different geographical systems and diverse risks at various geographical scales. They deal with European integration processes in the global context, risks of changes in European landscapes, flood risk modelling and different risks of population aging in ‘old’ and ‘new’ Europe. The third part of the book includes three case studies. One case study indicates risks of a potential glacial lake outburst in the Tien Shan Mountains of Kyrgyzstan. Another case study considers irregular activities of immigrants in the globalising Czech economy. The last study is concerned with risk of spatial polarisations in the Czech retailing in the post-communist transformation and under current globalisation pressures.

This collection of essays presents some outcomes of a research programme supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic (MSM 0021620831).

  • Changing geographical systems and risk processes: general considerations
  • Europe in the global system: is the European integration necessary?
  • Landscapes at risk: about change in the European landscapes
  • Geographic approaches to flood risk modelling
  • Different risks of population aging: EU old and new members
  • High-altitude lake outburst: Tien Shan case study
  • Irregular activities of migrants in the Czech Republic: a Delphi study about adaptations in a globalising economy
  • Changing face of the Czech retailing in post-communist transformation: risks of extreme polarisation under globalisation pressures

(Kniha je výstupem z výzkumného záměru, neprodává se na knižním trhu. Zasíláme ji za cenu poštovného a balného.)


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160×230 mm


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2008 U Smaltovny 28, Praha 7

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IČO 28957938

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č. ú.: 2800746926/2010